Tips on how to prepare for your shoot!
Tips for Getting the Most Out of Your Boudoir Experience and How To Prepare
Ok, now that you’ve booked your boudoir shoot, what do you have to do to prepare for your boudoir session?
Every woman asks that, and it can be kind of nerve racking. There are tons of nerves and emotions leading up to a boudoir shoot, and that’s ok! I’m here to help! I wanted to write down some guidelines and suggestions to ease and organize your minds and prepare you for this awesome experience!
Tip #1
My policy is always " When in doubt, bring it!".
I can always give suggestions on what may be more flattering once you are here! Also, if you don't feel comfortable in it, don't bring it. Being comfortable is going to show up on camera, but so will being uncomfortable!
Tip #2
Choosing Outfits
Teddies are flattering on so many body types!
Avoid BabyDoll lingerie, as it will alter your body shape on camera.
Heels are amazing but make sure they are a thin/tall heel with not ankle straps (cuts length off the leg).
Spray Tanning is a hard pass (It turns you orange on camera).
Opt for bikini or thong cut bottoms.
I'm a minimalist when it comes to jewelry. We do a lot of laying down poses and the jewelry may not lay the way it is intended.
Pushup Bras may create a large gap between the natural breast line and the bra itself. Use caution.
Sheer White Shirts or JUST A SHEET are amazing to photograph in!!
Tip #3
Order your outfits in enough time to try them on
and make sure they fit properly! Nothing is worse that when you are super excited about an outfit but then you get here and it doesn't fit right!
Tip #4
Moisturize your face and body
before coming to your session!! Especially during the winter with that dry air! You will feel amazing and have dewy skin look in your images!
Tip #5
Keep an open-mind and a positive attitude about your body!
Don't forget to breathe!!! You are going to look and feel amazing!!! Before starting each session, I always ask you to tell me one thing that you love about your body!
Tip #6
Bring a Nude Thong!
If you are interested in diving into the Clean Closet, Don’t forget to grab a nude thong to wear underneath! It won’t be seen in the images!
Tip #7
Create a Vision Board for your Session!
If you have specific ideas and goals for your session, it never hurts to create a vision board that can be shared with me! This is also get the wheels turning regarding outfits and makeup! Pinterest is a great way to gather your thoughts and vision!
Tip #8
Get your nails done!
Getting your nails done is essential for several reasons.
1. You can have a prep-pampering day for yourself to gather your thoughts and relax!
2. Having clean and manicured nails is important. Nothing distracts from an image like nails that have chipped nail polish.
3. When choosing nail color, make sure it matches your outfits and vision.
Tip #9
Stretch prior to the session!
A boudoir session can be quite a work out and you may have some soreness afterwards. I always recommend stretching the night before and day of in order to maximize YOUR body’s potential movement. Please consult a doctor prior to doing any stretches and please let me know of any limitations that need to be taken into consideration for your shoot! This does not hinder us from taking gorgeous images. I just need to know so that certain poses can be modified to your current physical ability!
Tip #10
For the love of all that is holy, don’t compare yourself to another woman’s journey/images. You aren’t her. She isn’t you. You are the most beautiful you and she is the most beautiful her. My purpose is to show you that you are stunning in your own skin. Comparison is the thief of joy. This experience is to help you understand that we are all different and there is an authentic beauty in you that will shine when your realize it!