Three things to do when seeking direction in life.

Ask me how many times I’ve felt like I’ve lost my direction in life. You just stand there like…Ok now what? I’ve accomplished that, so what’s next. How do I keep growing? Do I stop what I’m doing? Is that irresponsible? What am I being pulled towards? I’ve learned that this stage is a transition season in life. This isn’t a bad thing at all. This is the time when you evaluate how far you’ve come and where you want to go. Metaphorically speaking, it’s that awkward in between phase we all had in middle school. You remember…the braces, the acne, the big hair and ridiculous clothing trends. Yeah, I know…cringe…I just mean that in the sense that we knew we had opportunity and we had grown up some but we were still not sure exactly the direction we wanted to go. So lets go over 3 things you can do to help guide yourself closer to your intended purpose, your most authentic direction in life.

  1. Gratitude: Make a gratitude list. That means that you can stop and celebrate yourself because there was a time in your life when what you just did seemed impossible. You remember a time before accomplishing things you have now and realize that you are standing where you wanted to be before you started this very difficult thing!! Congratulations to you!!! If you are just starting out with your self discovery journey, express gratitude for this things you have in your life now! Can’t think of anything? Take a deep breath in…see what you just did? That’s something to be grateful for. Not everyone has the ability to breathe clearly and deeply like you just did. Write it all down!! You are ready for the next step!!!

2. Meditate and Visualize: Yeah I said it…I said the Woo Woo stuff. I have three kids so its so hard sometimes to find time to myself but it’s necessary. Also, we all that the infamous mom guilt when we take time for ourselves. It’s like a freaking anchor. No joke. But hear me out. You will be in a better headspace with your family if you are in a better headspace for yourself. I will always say QUALITY OVER QUANTITY. So let’s start.

Don’t hate me…Wake up 30 minutes earlier. If that’s too much do 15 minutes. It sucks at first but it’s so nice to have that peace. I go outside because I’m not distracted by all the crap in the house has to get done. Now here’s the fun part. Close your eyes. I want you to visualize and dream with no restrictions. TIP: Youtube has some great guided mediations if you’re struggling to center yourself. What do you see yourself doing in a 1 year or 2 or 5? Remember money is no object in the exercise so let go of the blocks and imagine. Do you see it? What are you doing? Are you a writer? A doctor? In the best shape of your life?. Ok now write it down in detail. Describe what you are wearing, the car your driving, the room you are working in. ALL OF IT.

OK…You got it??? It’s in your head? NOW, Here’s Part 2 that makes the entire process work”

Visualize the little steps that it takes to get there. Visualize the work you have to do to get to that end result. Feel the pain of being up late writing or getting up early so you can get in a few pages before the kids get up. Visualize being told NO and still going. You could do all the rest of these steps but if this part isn’t in the mix, you won’t have maximum results.

3. TAKE ACTION: Here’s the hardest and easiest part. I know…what the hell right. Seriously, once you have that visualization in your head, physically move your body. Take one step toward that thing. That end goal is always in your head but the biggest part is seeing yourself taking small steps towards that goal. Those are the real victories. There is only one difference between people who dream and people who fulfill their dreams. Inspired Action. Start today. Start now. Someday will always be someday, until you decide that someday is TODAY.


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